CHILDLINE Project started on 21st May 2018 at Chhotaudepur District and 10 month to all areas outreach and Childline information in all people.
CHILDLINE 1098 is an innovative example to address the rights of children, specifically those in distress. It makes it possible to reach a child in distress for immediate emergency support followed by their long term rehabilitation.
CHILDLINE reaches every child through the Four Cs.
- Connect
- Catalyse
- Collaborate
- Communicate
CHILDLINE works against various issues like abuse and violence, trafficking, child labour, conflict with law, child marriage, child sexual abuse, child without parental care, street children, birth registration, armed conflicts, disability, drug abuse, girl child, HIV – AIDS, missing children.To make the foundation strong and to deliver better services it has further developed each subject as separate wing.
CHILDLINE 1098 service is a 24 hour free emergency phone outreach service for children in need care and protection. CIF undertakes replication of CHILDLINE, networking and facilitation, training, research and documentation and communication and Strategic Initiatives both at national and International level. Partnering with registered and recognised NGOs like Baroda Citizens Council it has made its foundation more strong.
In 1996, CHILDLINE INDIA FOUNDATION (CIF) launched CHILDLINE, the country's first toll-free tele-helpline for street children in distress. As of March 2015, total of 36 Million calls since inception have been serviced by CHILDLINE service and operates in 473 cities/districts in 35 states/UTs through its network of over 887 partner organisations across India.
Baroda Citizens Council is official partner organisation with CHILDLINE since 2001 and has resolved many cases.